Message of Nicaragua in the 79th General Assembly of the UN

Enviado por tortilla el Lun, 30/09/2024 - 09:42

Gobierno de Reconciliación y Unidad Nacional
Unida Nicaragua Triunfa


After listening to so much analysis and to the descriptions of so many misfortunes and calamities, all the detail of the holocausts that afflict us as a Human Family...

After seeing and observing the brilliance of so much Intelligence, we are left with silence, with emptiness, because while we know, or may think we know, we do not find, we do not perceive, shared responses to the fragility and pain of our Societies, to the abuses and aberrations, to the aggression of the world's Powers, or to the unjust World Order that in every aspect seems instead to be suffocating us more and more, despite our Knowledge, our Experience, and the Spirit that as Human Beings we need to nourish, in order to better enlighten ourselves.

The catastrophes of injustice, the pretension of Supremacy, the perverse appetites of domination, subjugation and barbarism, as in the most terrible times of what have been called Colonization or Conquest, seem to get worse, perpetuating the slavery of Humanity to its most ignoble feelings, to avarice, to covetousness, and to the imposition of one over another, moving away the principles and values of Equality and Rights which, after so much Suffering, Humanity and Intelligence were thought to have been secured.

Cataclysm after cataclysm, we are spreading war as the savage method of Imperialism while Capitalism, also savage, barbaric and fierce, leads towards the extinction of all Living Beings by refusing to accept that only Peace should prevail. Because Peace is Justice. It is Harmonious Coexistence. It is Respectful Cooperation. It is the advancement of the Freedom, Dignity and Sovereignty of Peoples, which ensures for all of us, the Best of Times in all History.

But Peace appears today as among the most ardent fantasies and dreams. We do not live Paths of Peace, and of course, we do not enjoy that Just and Lasting Peace which can be seen as the Way to a World of Brother and Sisterhood, of Joy and Solidarity.

Every morning we awake, in so many parts of our planet, to find the dead and then more dead, sacrificed at the bonfires of the insipid superiority of the few... Dead and more dead that weigh or should weigh on the conscience of the warmongers, the merchants and traffickers of apocalyptic wars, imposed by those who with blood and fire, go razing Human Beings, Cultures and Lands, enslaving and crucifying, pretending that Life must be as they please, according to their whim and convenience.

In this daily massacre, how many people are lost, lost to us, especially in the sphere of the most human and profound feelings and emotions, of Love, Fraternity and Hope that Human Beings seem to be abandoning. These values are undoubtedly victims too of the Hell that they market to us as Paradise, of the Satanic Majesties who, ignoring the tragedies they inflict, forget the most elementary and basic Principle of Civilization, which should be Power for Everyone and for the Good of Everyone.

We lose our soul every day, not because we sell it to the devil, to the many devils, but because our generations, who should have learned so much from the millions of Human Beings sacrificed throughout history at the bonfires of vanity and ambition, of fatal egoism and of unassimilated failure, the enemies of Peace, seek and seem to be succeeding to turn us all into the driest of deserts, in terms of that Spirituality we do not see and do not recognize, and of those Strengths of Human Consciousness which we do not make good.

Given all the aggression, barbarities, attacks, and crimes, among all the satanic, infernal offensives, among all the evidence of Evil overcoming Good, it has fallen to our Peoples who know how to Fight, to our Culture and Spiritual Experience “of Dignity and National Decorum". This is our greatness. This is our most precious heritage. This is God's kingdom on Earth. This is the beginning, the dawn of a New World being born amidst anxiety, suffering and pain, forced upon us, imposed by those sick minds that do not see, do not want to see, this other World, and who continue trying to inhabit, for their own benefit, despite being centuries overdue, the old, bloodied World.

How much grief, how many battles, how many chains, how much slavery, all forging the steel of our Human Condition, which makes its way from Truth to Truth, from Awakening to Awakening, from Courage to Courage, from Daring to Daring, every day accumulating, paradoxically, More Glory and More Victories of True Truth, and of the Human Spirit which we must, between all of us, make prevail.

No one can steal from us of the certainty of a New World. No one can snatch away from us the reality of a Fraternal World of Understanding, Solidarity and Respectful Cooperation, in the Present and for the Future of Everyone.

In the Old World, designed by the "conquerors", they will stay frustrated, sad and alone, with the condemnation and repudiation of those who have learned to revere Love, to banish the grotesque impositions of Hatred, to bury all the humiliation, the degradation and indignities, and above all, to ignore the terror, the fear which the Condemned of the Earth lash us with, hoping to intimidate us.

Never on our knees! Never giving in to the Enemies of Peace and of the Common Good. Never slaves of selfishness or greed, and never blind to the atrociousness some have made into a Rule of Life, nor to the false narrative of the hypocrites, who with artificial techniques and tactics, with multicolored or technicolor film, try to sell us and establish a childish, fictional, paralyzed world, blind, deaf and dumb, exonerating those who are guilty of so many crimes against humanity.

We are not silent, and we will not be silent! We denounce and condemn the genocide that the Government of Israel and its allies in the First World have committed, are committing and seek to continue to commit against the Glorious Palestinian People, against the Brave People of Lebanon, and against so many other Brave, Valiant, Dignified Peoples who do not subordinate themselves when faced with brutality.

We are not silent, and we will not be silent! We denounce and condemn the aggression against Syria, Iran and so many other great and combative Brothers and Sisters on all Continents.

We are not silent, and we will not be silent! We denounce and condemn the occupation and usurpation of the Rights of Peoples and Countries, such as Haiti...

We are not silent, and we will not be silent! We denounce and condemn the systematic policy of extermination of Cultures and Rights that the Colonialist and Imperialist Powers maintain against Peoples, Governments and Countries, such as Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, who integrate the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, ALBA, a strategic Unity in Defense of our Sovereignty, Independence and the Legitimate Customs and Models which we exercise of Institutionality, of Protagonism and of Participatory and Direct Democracy.

We are in solidarity with all the Countries and Peoples affected by the bestiality, the brutality that was unleashed and continues to be unleashed against Our Mother Earth and our Resources, generating what is known today as Climate Change, which is nothing but the selfish plundering of our Planetary Resources, which has degenerated into a profusion of Disasters of all kinds, which are not Natural and which demand Climate Justice, and which have been and continue to be imposed by the greedy slavers, filibusters and looters of this World, with neither consideration, nor indemnification, nor reparation nor compensation, against those of us with the most to lose.

We unite in Brother and Sisterhood, in Solidarity and Complementarity in Just Struggles for Food Security, for Health Security, for Security in Education and Security of Rights, for Human Security, Rights which we will never renounce.

We unite, of course, in the urgent and daily Struggle against Terrorism in all its forms, against Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime, against the vices and criminal activities that are imposed upon us so as to weaken our Institutions, Models and Customs, but also so as to strengthen Interference from invasive Policies and Modalities that try and encourage us to adopt customs and ways of Life that are both alien to us and which at the same time generate an image of pitiful incapacity or of mendacity, which we in no way accept.

To the invaders and interventionists disguised as sheep, in sheep's clothing but with the jaws of wolves, we say: We are Peoples rich in Culture, Resources, and Community Models. And of Values too, which have been and are being disfigured, defamed and stripped away... We do not accept being turned into needy supplicants, which we are not, from behind a façade of fake Kindness and Generosity. The outside interests are obvious and this form of interference in our own affairs is not just unacceptable, but should be denounced as completely inappropriate.

We have the right to all our Freedoms and to the Supreme Dignity of our Spirit and Culture, of Conscience and Conviction, of Learning and of coherent, permanent and humble pilgrimage, leading us us to learn from everyone, to incorporate everything Good, and to discard and repudiate everything that seeks to turn us into slavish subsidiaries, kept divided by the strategies of the Imperialists of the Earth.

We defend our Supreme Dreams, with Bolívar, Martí, Sandino, Morazán, and so many Great Beings who preceded us and who anticipated the Duty to Fight, Fight and Fight, so as to Overcome, Overcome and Overcome.

Nothing is free in this world. We must grow in Consciousness and Heart every day, absolutely lucid, absolutely clear, absolutely convinced and consistent, because only the Unity of the Peoples of the Planet will stop the Imperialists of the Earth. Only our Union will push them back, even as they continue to plot their crimes, for we will discover them, undo them, expose them, confront them, and defeat them.

In our Combative and Victorious ALBA we are One with Chávez, Nicolás, and his Great People, at all Times. We are one with the Cuba of Fidel, Raul and Miguel, and their Dignified, Formidable Resistance. We are one with Bolivia and its much respected Ways. We are one with Honduras and its challenges. We are one with all of Mesoamerica and the challenges we all face. We are one with Asia, with the Arab Peoples, with the Peoples of that Black Africa who also live among us.

We are one with the Russian Federation in its Great Battles against bestial Fascism, Battles  which will be won by us all for sure.

We are one with the People's Republic of China that teaches us so much, transferring to us its Magnificent, Great Experience of building the Well-being of its People, and of Solidarity with the whole World, for a Community of the Future.

We are One with all the Fighters and Warriors of the World aligned with the Forces of that Firmness and Dignity we have always had, such that today, more alert than ever, we do not allow them to crucify us. To the contrary, Proudly and Joyfully we raise our Flags and Banners, because we know that Humanity and the Human Spirit must win, that we will win, and we will prevail. Only in this way can we preserve and enhance the Highest Ideals and Values of Humanity of which we are all part.
From our Blessed, Dignified, Always Sovereign, Christian, Socialist and Solidarity inspired Nicaragua, our Embrace to everyone in the World who wants Peace, Affection, Respect, Rights and Well-being. With Everyone so, Always United, We Go Forward, to the Always Further On of our Victorious General Augusto Sandino, and of the Immortal Poetry of our Great Rubén Darío, and his Songs of Hope.

A great flight of crows stains the blue sky.
A thousand-year-old breath threatens plague.
In the Far East, men are being murdered.

Has the apocalyptic Antichrist been born?
Omens have been witnessed and wonders seen,
the Return of Christ seems imminent.

The earth is pregnant with pain so deep
that the dreamer, imperious, lost in thought,
suffers all the anxieties of the heart of the world.

Executioners of ideals afflict the earth,
locking up humanity in a shadowy pit
along with the brutes of hatred and war.
Oh, Lord Jesus Christ! Why do you take so long?
why wait to spread your hand of light over these wild beasts
and make your divine banners brilliant in the sun!

It rises suddenly, pouring out life's essence
over so many crazed, sad or hardened souls,
so in love with darkness as to forget your sweet dawn.

Come, Lord, show us in all Your Glory;
come with trembling stars and dread of cataclysm,
come bringing love and peace across the abyss.

Let your white horse, which the visionary witnessed,
come in and let that divine extraordinary clarion sound.
And may my heart be an ember of your swaying incense.

Rubén Darío

Today we remember the Nicaraguan Father, Priest, Chancellor of the Dignity and Decorum of our Peoples, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, who fought for and bequeathed to us the Responsibility of Striving for the Refounding of the United Nations, so that they serve the Debate and the Struggle for Justice, for the Right to Harmony and to the Happiness of Peoples. The United Nations as an instrument precisely of Nations to denounce, condemn, reject and repudiate, all the abominations and aberrations that are committed against everyone, to encourage Goodness and Affection, and to banish Evil, Reproach and Hatred in our relations, which should be those of Fraternal Coexistence.

Arise Peoples of the World!
The Earth must be Paradise
for all humankind!
The World will indeed be Different and Better
that's what we work for
that's why we unite together
that's what we believe in!

With all the affection of the People of Nicaragua, of our President, Comandante Daniel Ortega, and our Vice-President, Compañera Rosario Murillo.

Managua, September 30th 2024