Stop the Wars - Save the Planet

Submitted bytortilla onVie, 20/09/2019 - 10:35
The People's Mobilization to Stop the US War Machine and Save the Planet is here!

*** For the Climate Strike, we will meet at noon near Foley Square in front of the Municipal Credit Union at 2 Lafayette St.
We'll have signs, a banner and flyers to hand out.

** If you are planning to attend any of the events, please consider volunteering. We need folks to help with handing out signs, carrying banners, flyering and more. Fill out the form here.

** And, if you are planning to attend the public solidarity event on Monday night, please RSVP now.
We will only admit people who have pre-registered. RSVP here. Bring photo id.

Actions and Events:

Saturday, September 21 - Evening event: Race, Militarism and Black Resistance in the "Americas" 5:00 pm at the Green Worker Cooperative, 1231 Lafayette Ave in the Bronx.

Sunday, September 22 - People's Mobilization to Stop the US War Machine and Save the Planet Rally and March, Northwest corner of Herald Square near 34th St. and 6th Ave., 2:00 pm. Featuring Cornel West, Roger Waters, members of the Embassy Protection Collective, Chairman Omali Yeshitela, music by Ben Grosscup plus many solidarity, climate crisis, and resistance groups. More special guests to be announced. We will march to the United Nations to say its time for the United States to be held accountable for its violations of international law.

Monday, September 23 – A solidarity evening with countries impacted by US sanctions and interventions. “A Path to International Peace: Realizing the Vision of the United Nations Charter.” Starts at 6:30 pm (doors open at 6) at the Community Church of New York, 40 East 35th St., NYC, 10016. Speakers include representatives of countries directly impacted by the United States' illegal actions in the forms of unilateral coercive measures (aka sanctions), regime change efforts and military aggression and speakers from grassroots groups organizing to counter these actions. Music by David Rovics and the Peace Memorial Prize will be awarded. Learn about the 120 countries working together for peace through the Non-Aligned Movement and what you can do to build peace. Reservations are required. Click here to reserve your seat.

We will also march in the Climate Strike on Friday, September 20 starting at noon in Foley Square (meet us in front of the Municipal Credit Union at 2 Lafayette St. at noon to get signs) and marching to Battery Park and we will join the rally for Puerto Rico's independence in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza at the United Nations on Saturday, September 21. Time TBA.

Sign the Global Appeal for Peace!

The Global Appeal for Peace seeks to build a popular movement that supports peace and respect for sovereignty and international law and opposes acts of aggression whether economic, military or otherwise. Signing on to the campaign is a first step in building that movement. The popular movement will document and educate about the impacts of illegal acts, take action in solidarity to oppose such acts and provide material support for those who are harmed.
People's Mobe endorsing organizations: Embassy Protection Collective, ANSWER Coalition, Black Alliance for Peace, CODEPINK, International Action Center, Popular Resistance, United National Antiwar Coalition, US Peace Council, Veterans for Peace, World Beyond War, Pima County Green Party, Mt. Zion Church Ministries, The Raucous Rooster, Show Up! America, Environmentalists Against War, The Nuclear Resister, Canadian County Safe Water Coalition, North American Climate, Conservation and Environment(NACCE), Western Massachusetts Venezuela, Solidarity Coalition, Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin, Green Party United States Peace Action Committee, Green Party of Bay County, Green Party of Monmouth County NJ, Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) – Vancouver, Canada, Green Party of Allegheny County, The International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity, Red River Veterans For Peace Chapter 154, Veterans For Peace, Chapter 23, Rochester, NY, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Solidarite Bonne Volonte, Mondeto, Peace and Freedom Party, Party of Communists USA, Movement 4 Peoples’ Democracy, White Rabbit Grove RDNA, Movimiento por un mundo sin guerras y sin violencia, Coalición de Derechos Humanos, Women’s Eco-Peace, Maryland United for Peace and Justice, People’s Climate Movement New York, Green Party United States, The Peace Pentagon, World Can’t Wait, United for Peace and Justice, Covert Action Magazine, BAYAN USA, Trade Justice Alliance, Workers World Party, Pro Libertad Freedom Campaign, Peoples Power Assemblies, Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere – FIRE, Pakistan USA Freedom Forum, Jersey City Peace Movement, Canadian Peace Congress, Greater Boston Chapter of Green Rainbow Party, New York Peace Council, The Peace For Okinawa Coalition, Philadelphia Area Black Radical Congress, DSA Brooklyn for Peace, Baltimore Nonviolence Center, Black is Back Coalition, NJ State Industrial Union Council, U. S. Friends of the Soviet People, OWS Special Projects Affinity Group, Stand with Okinawa, December 12th Movement, Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project, Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, NYC War Resisters League,Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom – US, Struggle/La Lucha, Alliance for Democracy, Wolf PAC NY.