Law 996 - Amnesty Law

Submitted bytortilla onSáb, 08/06/2019 - 17:46



That faced with the violent and destructive actions that began on April 18, 2018, it is the will of the State to pursue stability, ensure peace and the improvement of economic conditions in order to achieve the integral development of THE Nicaraguan families.


In compliance with its mandate,


The following:

Amnesty Law

Article 1 Amnesty

Grant full amnesty to all persons who have participated in the events that occurred throughout the national territory from April 18, 2018 until the date that this Law enters into effect.

This amnesty is extended to persons who have not been investigated, those who are in the process of investigation, undergoing proceedings to determine criminal responsibility and serving time as a result of a judicial sentence. Therefore, the competent authorities will not initiate investigation processes, they will be required to close the initiated administrative and criminal processes to determine responsibility, as well as the execution of sentences, at the moment that the present law enters into effect. Accordingly, all persons deprived of liberty, at the time that this Law enters into effect, must obtain their freedom immediately.

By disposition of this Law, the competent authorities will cancel the criminal records of all the people benefited by this Amnesty.

Article 2 Political offenses and related common crimes

The present Amnesty Law covers all political crimes and related common crimes that are typified by the Penal Code in effect in Nicaragua, except for those regulated under International Treaties to which the State of Nicaragua is Party.

Article 3 Non Repetition

The persons benefited by this Law must refrain from perpetrating new action that may incur in repetitive behaviors that generate the crimes contemplated herein. The non-observance of the principle of Non Repetition will result in the revocation of the benefit established by this Law.

Article 4 Publication and validity

The present Law will become effective as of its publication in La Gaceta, Official Journal of Nicaragua.

Given in the city of Managua, in the Plenary Room of the National Assembly, on June 8 of the year two thousand and nineteen.


Dr. Gustavo Porras Cortés                                               Lic. Loria Raquel Dixon
President                                                                              Secretary
National Assembly                                                             National Assembly