Chuck in Honduras outside of the U.S. Palmerola Air Base in 2011, where
he and others were tear gassed on the two year anniversary of the coup
Rosario Murillo, Vice President of Nicaragua, December 29th 2021
We would like to begin this midday address by greeting the family of our dear comrade Chuck Kaufman, who passed away suddenly this morning, those sudden deaths that hurt so much, but after all, they are deaths without suffering for the person who leaves us.
And this morning, we understand he passed away while having breakfast, passing to another Plane of Life, at the age of 69, in March he would have turned 70, and he had dedicated his whole Life to fight for the Sovereignty of the Peoples, as President Chavez used to say, as a "Good Gringo"; fighting alongside the Peoples defending their Sovereignty, defending the Right to determine our own destinies.
And today, as he departs to that other Plane where Love will reunite us, we raise a Petition to Christ the Redeemer and Savior of the World, to the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, for his Eternal Rest. Will it be that we rest, or will it be that from there spiritually we continue to support the Causes of Justice and Peace? One knows, one feels, one receives those Mysterious, Miraculous and Prodigious Signs of the Beloved Beings that pass to another Plane of Life.
Our Recognition, Affection, Respect and Homage to the Family, to the Friends, to the Compañer@s of Chuck, who with his Organization the Alliance for Global Justice, will be with us in the coming days celebrating the New Period of the People-President, participating in the opening, the inauguration of that New Period. I say that he will be with us in spirit and with all his Compañer@s de Lucha who have already confirmed that they will accompany us on that bright, auspicious day for our Sacred, Blessed, Always, Forever Sovereign, Dignified and Free Nicaragua.