(Unofficial translation - See here for Spanish original)
The undersigned Secretary of Actions of the Supreme Electoral Council certifies this Agreement issued by this Power of State which integrally and literally states:
“Supreme Electoral Council. - Managua June third of the year twenty twenty one.- At eleven in the morning.-
That by constitutional mandate this Power of State has the attributes of calling, organizing and directing the General Elections to be verified on November 7th of the year 2021, for the election of the posts of President; Vice President of the Republic; Deputies to the National Assembly; Deputies to the Central American Parliament; and likewise to apply the constitutional legal dispositions related to the electoral process and to declare, in accordance with the relevant law, the pertinent measures so that the electoral process goes ahead under fully guaranteed conditions.
That it is the obligation of the Supreme Electoral Council to observe and ensure compliance with the precepts of the Political Constitution of the Republic concerning the requirements set out in Article 147 of the Constitution which sets out as requirements to be President or Vice President, the need to 1) Be a Nicaraguan national. Anyone who may have had another nationality must have renounced it at least four years before the election is verified. 2) Be in full enjoyment of their civil and political rights. 3) Have completed twenty five years of age. 4) Have lived continuously in the country in the four years prior to the election, except in the case of carrying out a diplomatic mission during that period, working for an international organization or studying abroad.
That in the same sense Articles 10, in its section number 21; 67 and 174 of the Electoral Law, Law 331, sets out as an attribute, that this Power of State should make resolutions on the duties and rights of the parties and alliances of political parties and their candidates to the public offices due for election in the current electoral process, those who do not satisfy the qualities, or may have some impediment or may have been prohibited in accordance with the Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua, with Law No. 1040, Law on the Regulation of Foreign Agents, published in La Gaceta, Official Journal No. 192 on October 19th of the year 2020; likewise with Law 1055, Law in Defense of the Rights of the People to Independence, Sovereignty and Self-Determination for Peace, published in La Gaceta, Official Journal No. 237 on December 22nd of the year 2020, which in its first article establishes the non inscription as candidates of Nicaraguans who have led or financed a coup d'etat or attempted coup d'etat, who have upset the constitutional order, who have fomented or instigated terrorist acts, who have taken action to undermine independence, sovereignty and self-determination, who incite foreign intervention in internal affairs, who ask for military intervention, who organize using foreign financing to carry out acts of terrorism and destabilization, who propose and campaign for measures to block economic, commercial and financial operations against the country and its institutions, and equally those who demand, praise and applaud the imposition of sanctions against the Nicaraguan State and its citizens and all those who damage the supreme interests of the nation as laid out in the legal order.
That in accordance with Law No. 919, Law of Sovereign Security of the State of Nicaragua, which establishes that it is responsibility of the State to guarantee its purposes, as set out in Article 4, section 1) To contribute to the consolidation of peace, liberty, democracy and development, guaranteeing to all its inhabitants conditions of security that permit them to participate in and benefit from the national strategies for sustainable human development, making possible equitable economic development. And section 2) To guarantee the existence of governments elected by universal, equal, direct, free, secret and transparent suffrage sustained by the constant strengthening of the civil power, political pluralism, economic liberty and the overcoming of poverty and extreme poverty.
That the Supreme Electoral Council is obliged to comply with the country's constitutional and legal dispositions in the sense of following up all behavior by any citizen or candidate conflicting with the above dispositions. All persons aspiring to be a candidate for popular election must comply with the dispositions and requirements established in the Political Constitution and other laws of the Republic, for which reason this Supreme Electoral Council maintains a detailed record of everything that may represent a violation of the above dispositions or requirements.
The Supreme Electoral Council, using the attributes conferred upon it under Article 173; Articles 10; 67; 174 of Law 331, Electoral Law Agrees, FIRST: To reiterate to the political parties and to the alliances of political parties participating in the electoral process their obligation to ensure in the presentation of candidates that they satisfy all the dispositions and requirements prescribed in the Political Constitution of the Republic, the Electoral Law and other laws, some of which are equally contained in the considerations pronounced in this Agreement.- SECOND: To invite the political parties and alliances of political parties participating in the electoral process to follow up and take the measures they deem necessary given the concepts of the pronounced norms, with the aim of guaranteeing compliance of their pre-candidates with the legal requirements; and in the same way, with the aim of ensuring that their nominees maintain strict compliance with the law, respect for the sovereign integrity, the self-determination and social peace of the country and of all Nicaraguans.- Let this be Published and Notified.- (signed) Brenda Isabel Rocha Chacón, President Magistrate; (signed) Cairo Melvin Amador, Vice President Magistrate; (signed) Lumberto Campbell Hooker, Magistrate; (signed) Mayra Antonia Salinas Uriarte, Magistrate; (signed) Devoney Johaira McDavis Álvarez, Magistrate; (signed) Alma Nubia Baltodano Marcenaro, Magistrate; (signed) Leonzo Knight Julian, Magistrate.- Before me (signed) Luis Alfonso Luna Raudez, Secretary of Actions”.-
This copy is in accordance with the original against which it was duly checked. - Managua June 3rd of the year twenty twenty one.
Luis Alfonso Luna Raudez
Secretary of Actions